Chicago Wedding Photographer Blog

EscalateLIVE conference Day 2! More pics and Slideshow!

Escalate LIVE October 2010…a great experience! I think all of the attendees were thankful and blown away by the experience. Thanks to Dane and the rest of the Kubota Production team for having me on board as the staff photographer! I had a great time with you all! There were some great seminars given and you can view the videos online- to learn more about Escalate LIVE and to see the videos….visit their website: If you wanted to see some photos from Day 1, click here to see the Escalate Day 1 blog post.

Escalate LIVE was put on by Dane Sanders, author of the Fast Track Photographer, and Kevin Kubota, of Kubota Imaging tools. This two day event features some of the leading women in the portrait photography industry: Julia Woods, Vicki Taufer, Julieanne Kost, Tamara Lackey, and Lori Norstrom.

Day 2 started out with Lori Nordstrom sharing about her portrait business-

After seeing her in action…I now call her ‘the baby whisperer’ =)

Tamara Lackey followed up sharing about spontaneous captures- kind of like this photo- =)

I love this photo of Tamara…they say a photographer puts themselves in every photo they take…and I have never felt so strongly about that statement as I do when as when I saw this photo that Tamara shared.

To close out the day, Julia Woods shared her heart with the photographic community. I would love to share more photos of Julia..but I left a CF card with the Kubota Production team…once that card gets mailed back to me..I’ll update the post with a few more photos-



Chicago Wedding Photographer


3334 N Avers Ave #2

Chicago, IL 60618