Chicago Wedding Photographer Blog

Hot off the press- EscalateLIVE conference Day 1!

So I’m in Washington, IL…at some creepy motel that reminds me of the motels in the movie, “No Country For Old Men.” But despite my experience at this motel…I am still alive and I really do love this quaint town of Washington, IL! It is home to two wonderfully gifted photographers in Jeff & Julia Woods. They graciously opened up their studio to host Escalate LIVE! This workshop/conference/seminar is an intimate gathering of attendees, but yet the message is being broadcast on the internet! There were some FREE sessions available for viewing- you can learn more about viewing these seminars at:

***You can see Day 2 photos and summary slideshow at this Escalate LIVE Day 2 blog post***

Escalate LIVE was put on by Dane Sanders, author of the Fast Track Photographer, and Kevin Kubota, of Kubota Imaging tools. This two day event features some of the leading women in the portrait photography industry: Julia Woods, Vicki Taufer, Julieanne Kost, Tamara Lackey, and Lori Norstrom. There was so much to absorb and I can’t wait for day 2! If you want in on the action…head to and sign up to watch these seminars LIVE today! (you can also purchase the seminars for viewing after the fact…so no reason not to hear these great speakers)

We just wrapped up day 1, and it was filled with great information, two studio tours, and opportunity to talk with the speakers one on one. I wanted to share with you some of the photos from the day…as some things are just not adequately communicated via webcast. I can honestly say…there was SOOOOOOOOO much more to EscalateLIVE than what was webcast…and I’m so glad to have come down for this experience.

This Escalate LIVE was themed: “Don’t just be. BE Boutique.”

Dane Sanders talking to the real and virtual audiences-

When Dane shared about his own photography experience as a child…there were some emotions out in the crowd-

Vicki Taufer started things off-

For all you enjoying the webcast…here is the command center for the whole production- It’s pretty cool to see them in action. Almost like an NFL football game production!

Vicki and her husband Jed sharing a moment after her talk…these two have been through so much these past few months…and just to be in the same country is a huge deal…not to mention sharing their hearts and souls with thousands of viewers all over the world- Again…just sharing some behind the scenes stuff-

Vicki demonstrated a photoshoot for us…and it was really great to see her in action-

Julieanne Kost shared some great Lightroom 3 and Photoshop CS5 tips with us. I do consider myself pretty well versed in both of these programs…but she brought it and I definitely learned some new things that I plan on implementing into my workflow-

Not only is she knowledgeable…but she’s really funny too- here she is taking notes on her Palm PDA

Jeff gave us a tour of his studio-

Again…just another behind the scenes moment- One reason I love Jeff & Julia…is just how real they are with themselves and with the photography community. Anyone who knows them knows just how much they value their family-

I think Dane is secretly trying to figure out how to get the Vespa home to Cali with him.

Panel discussion

In the evening we were treated to a tour of Jed and Vicki’s studio. I think I needed a map just in case I got lost- you just cannot fathom how big it is…even in a webcast-

We had some ‘photobooth’ fun- here’s my photobooth pic-

the imfamous Jed ‘schlubber’ photo

There were soooo many more ‘photobooth’ photos…I posted them in my facebook account be sure to check it out!
And to close out the post…a couple photos of the EscalateLIVE speakers- Kevin Kubota made it in the next image-

There’s Kevin…next to Tamara- Mike from WHCC seems to have trouble seeing him-

It’s gonna be a great Day 2- be sure to sign up to join us LIVE if you haven’t already!

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Chicago Wedding Photographer


3334 N Avers Ave #2

Chicago, IL 60618